Dottie’s Delights

When you meet Dottie, you immediately feel like you’ve known her for years. She’s got an amazing personality and can make you feel comforted and understood – all in a matter of seconds. Not to mention the name Dottie…reminds me of A League of Their Own and who doesn’t love that movie?
Dottie was such a joy to photograph. She was in the market for new headshots, especially as her small business has continued to grow. She wanted her images to make a statement so her clients could put a face to the name. Her business is Dottie’s Delights.
Dottie was always amazed at the power of gift-giving. How it can bring a smile to someone’s face, turn a day around, and make someone feel loved, adorned and supported. While searching for her life calling, she found that through gift-giving it allowed her to slow down life so she was able to enjoy the moments. She says the feeling is overwhelming when you can stop, realize what you’re doing and not be moving at warp speed.
She wanted to drive around all day helping people – bringing a little joy to their lives. The emotional/mental rewards would be priceless, but she would still need a place to live, clothes to wear, and food to eat. How could she make this into a business that could support her?
One day it all fell into place. She started her own business creating custom gift designs that would help others with their gift-giving needs and at the same time bring joy to her clients and the intended recipients. It was in that moment that Dottie’s Delights, LLC was born.
No two gift baskets are alike. I can vouch for her gifted design skills, as I am a recent client of Dottie’s. I needed a birthday present for a dear friend and I thought I would see what her services had to offer. I must say, it was a very leisurely experience. I didn’t have to go to 5 different stores to get what I wanted. I just sent Dottie a detailed list of what my friends likes or interests were and she hit the ground running. Everything I had mentioned or wanted to incorporate was there and in a grand display. I couldn’t wait to give it to my friend. When my friend saw it, she lit up and thought it was extravagant. Not only did it make her day, but it made mine as well. There’s nothing better than seeing someone’s face when you hand them a gift to open. It was awesome.
I highly recommend checking out Dottie’s Delights! Like her on Facebook & Google Plus!