Just A Boy & His Axe | Kiddo Lumberjack Story Session

Take a minute and think back to when you were a child and you were so adamant that you really were and/or could be a princess, ninja or ice capade barbie. These fleeting moments of excitement and wonder is why I love to photograph kids. When you let a child take creative control, you get to live in that world with them all over again. It makes life a little less tough sometimes and stops us from growing up just a little bit.
This guy! Greyson is in lumberjack mode straight outta the gates. Once that hatchet got put in his hands he gets right to work! I was expected to do a little warm-up trial period where there was going to by some shyness but NO! He had this, “keep up if you can” attitude. Greyson showed me a piece of his world out in the wilderness that day and it brought me back to the days I hung out in my tree house, the hay bails in the barn playing with kitties, and swinging on our gigantic rope swing. I love capturing subjects in a way that can provoke emotions and connection, like a story. Who cares if it’s make believe, it’s what keeps us young.
I kept wanting to sing the Seven Dwarf song while editing these… “Heigh ho, heigh ho, its off to work we go.”