Meet Amelia | Class of 2020 Senior Model

The whole month of April I’ll be featuring and showcasing the fresh new faces of the Class of 2020 who will be representing the studio as part of the Senior Model Crew. Throughout the year the girls have opportunities to be apart of themed group shoots, work with local businesses, earn cash, boost their confidence on and off camera, receive a slew of awesome images to share and incorporate into their individual senior portraits and be apart of something really memorable for their senior send off.
Meet Amelia! She comes to you from Red Wing High School (go Wingers!). For those of you that didn’t know that’s where I went to high school! She is influenced a lot by music and loves to sing. Can you imagine being a lead roll in a high school play and didn’t intend to get the part? Talk about talent and GUTS! She comes from a huge mixed family with lots of love. There’s no awkward silence with Amelia, she so friendly and easy to talk to. I can’t wait to spend more time with her this year and honored that her family chose me to capture her essence.