Meet Ashlyn | Class of 2020 Senior Model

Does anyone else feel a massive sugar depression this Monday? Hopefully everyone had a great Easter!
This April I’m showcasing a new face every week from the Senior Model Crew | Class of 2020. These ladies will be representing my brand all while getting the opportunity to earn a scholarship for college, extra cash on the side for fun, meet new friends, work with other local businesses, play dress up, build their confidence on and off camera and create amazing portraits that they are proud of.
Taking the spotlight on week 4 is Ashlyn! She comes to you from Red Wing High School (another Winger in the group). She’s probably one of the most motivated and matter of fact high schoolers I’ve ever met. She knows where she’s going, what she’s going to do and how to get there. It’s a breath of fresh air to see someone with such motivation and dedication to their future. She’s no stranger to struggles and she’s an open advocate for depression and being able to talk about it openly. She’s been there and knows that there IS a light in the darkness you just need help from people to find it. She’s ready to have this be her best year yet. I’m so proud to have you on the crew this year Ashlyn!
Check out what her favorite and not so favorite things are below plus her behind the scenes video! Let’s give it up for this girlie!