DIY Lip Scrub!


I don’t think my lips are the only ones that need extra attention from this winter!  After months of battling extreme cold and dryness our pout can look and feel a bit dull and not so kissable. There is hope and it’s in the comfort of your own home. Well, maybe minus an ingredient or two 😉 Quicken your lips once more with your own magical concoction of homemade sugar lip scrub.  Add your own twist by putting a few drops of your favorite essential oil!


  • 1 tsp Coconut Oil,
  • 1 tsp Honey,
  • 1-2 tsp brown or white sugar,
  • 2-3  drops of your desired essential oil, such as spearmint, lavender, peppermint or you could add spices like cinnamon (optional)


  1. Heat honey and coconut oil in a dish for 6 seconds
  2. Pour the sugar into the liquid mixture and mix until it is a fine paste
  3. Mix 2-3 drops of your desired essential oil in paste
  4. Apply a small amount to your finger and gently rub on your lips in a circular motion, remove with warm water and a washcloth 

Store in the fridge up to a month in a air tight container. Make sure to take the paste out of the fridge for 5 minutes before applying. For best results, apply this once a week and finish off with a lip balm or moisturizer, heck you could even put coconut oil on them 🙂


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