Keeping Up To Date Headshots | Brianna Sundgaard

Brianna is a gal that knows what she wants and goes after it with full force. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing this gem for over 9 years. We met studying abroad in Florence, Italy (one of the most amazing places in the world).
This is her second round of doing styling and headshots with me. I can’t stress enough how important it is to keep an updated headshot, especially in Bri’s new line of potential work (theater). This time we dug a lot deeper and started to peel back the different layers of Bri and how she really wanted to be portrayed to potential casting directors. In this business a headshot can make or break a casting directors first impression (especially if your headshot isn’t up-to date with your current look) so we did a series of shots from playful, sultry, serious and Bri’s essence in general.
I included her before and after images to just show the power of what styling can do and how it simply enhances the best polished version of yourself. Here are a few of her top photographs!